【阅读美文·分享心情·感悟人生· http://xwzx.gihyu.com】
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来源: 免费小说网 时间:2019-05-06 19:32:53


1. Never Outshine the Master 做人要低调

2. Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies 不要太信任朋友,要利用敌人

3. Conceal your Intentions 隐藏好你的意图

4. Always Say Less than Necessary 不多话

5. So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with your Life 赢得好名声——用一生守护它

6. Court Attention at all Cost 不惜一切赢得关注

7. Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit 让别人帮你做事,自己得到声誉

8. Make other People come to you – use Bait if Necessary 让别人来找你——必要的时候用诱饵

9. Win through your Actions, Never through Argument 用行动而不是争吵来获胜

10. Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky会传染,得避开不快和不幸的人

11. Learn to Keep People Dependent on You 学会让人依靠你

12. Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Vi4种癫痫病的必备检查是那些啊ctim 用有选择的诚实和大方来缓和与你受害者的矛盾

13. When Asking for Help, Appeal People’s Self-Interest, Never to their Mercy or Gratitude 寻求帮助时,迎合他人自己的兴趣而不是他们的仁慈和感激

14. Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy 以朋友的姿态像间谍一样地工作

15. Crush your Enemy Totally 打击敌人不遗余力

16. Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor 利用缺席提升地位和名气

17. Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability 让别人陷入不知名的恐惧中,让你周围的空气充满未知性

18. Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous 不要用围城保护自己——隔离是危险的

19. Know Who You’re Dealing with – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person 知道你正在对付的人是谁——不要得罪错了人

20. Do Not Commit to Anyone 不要向任何人承诺

21. Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber引起癫痫病的主要病因 than your Mark 扮猪吃猪——巧妙掩饰你的智慧(自认为翻得好玩的一句)

22. Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power 使用投降策略:把弱点转化为优点

23. Concentrate Your Forces 集中火力

24. Play the Perfect Courtier 溜须拍马

25. Re-Create Yourself 重塑自己

26. Keep Your Hands Clean 保持双手干净(身家清白)

27. Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cult like Following 满足群众需求以培养一群信徒

28. Enter Action with Boldness 大胆地行动

29. Plan All the Way to the End 预先想好所有的方法

30. Make your Accomplishments Seem Effortless 让你的成功看起来毫不费力

31. Con安阳市治疗儿童癫痫病哪里很正规trol the Options: Get Others to Play with the Cards you Deal 控制选择:让别人打出你想要的牌

32. Play to People’s Fantasies 满足人们的幻想

33. Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew 找出每个人的死穴

34. Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated like one 忠于自己的风格:你当自己是个人物,别人也当你是个人物

35. Master the Art of Timing 把握时机

36. Disdain Things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best Revenge 轻视你得不到的:忽略他们是很好的报复

37. Create Compelling Spectacles 做出引人注目的事迹

38. Think as you like but Behave like others 想一套(你喜欢的)做一套(像别人一样的)

39. Stir up Waters to Catch Fish 混水摸鱼

40. Despise the Free Lunch 天下没有免费的午餐

41. Avoid Stepping into a Great Man’s Shoes 不要模仿大人物

42. Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will Scatter 打败领头者,跟风者将会一哄而散

43. Work on the Hearts and Minds of Others 用别人的想法工作

44. Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect 善于利用(消除或者激化)镜像效应

45. Preach the Need for Change, but Never Reform too much at Once 鼓吹变化的需要,但切不可一次改变太多

46. Never appear too Perfect 永远不要表现太完美

47. Do not go Past the Mark you Aimed for; In Victory, Learn when to Stop 不要超过既定目标,面对成功,知道什么时候停步

48. Assume Formlessness 无招胜有招


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